• Using Python to develop back-end scripts to automate and scale processes associated with digital advertising, product launches, supply chain operations, and other eCommerce areas.
• Analyzing datasets related to advertising, eCommerce products, and supply chain in order to extract insights and actionable next steps
• Collaborating with digital advertising, product, and supply chain teams to identify and pursue opportunities for optimization
• Scoping out and building scripts based on specified inputs and desired outputs
• Devising strategies to support marketing and advertising initiatives for driving growth / customer acquisition
Python Pandas MySQL Data ScienceA collaborative learning system for tutoring and group study that also features a scheduling system utilizing Zoom and Calendy APIs. I implemented a login page with data validation and a Slack-like chatting interface using Bootstrap, Material UI, and React. MongoDb is integrated with the university's Canvas system to store user information such as student username and courses.
MongoDB Express.js React Bootstrap Material UI Node.jsA weather application that displays current and forecasted weather information centered on a user's location via Zip Code or City using data fetched from OpenWeatherMaps and Bing Maps APIs. I utilized embedded Javascript and Bootstrap for the front-end dashboard with entry search and weather display pages.
Node.js EJS Express.js Bootstrap